
Festool FES-578243 100 Years Limited Edition Domino Joiner DOMINO DF 500 Q-Set

Availability: Coming Soon Availability: Out of Stock Availability: Special Order - Email for pricing

The limited edition of the DOMINO DF 500 Joiner in a blue Systainer³.


  • 100 years anniversary edition: For 100 years, we have been giving our all to help you achieve more. We are proud that our innovations have left a mark on the industry: For faster, easier, and reliable performance. Thank you for your trust. We want to express our deep gratitude with our limited-edition 100th-anniversary DOMINO DF 500 Domino Joiner in 100-year limited-edition Systainer³.
  • Reliable and accurate: With its innovative indexing system, accurate and repeatable mortises can be made in no time. The routing height and depth can be adjusted in se-conds. The unique patented pendulum routing principle enables smooth, accurate work while producing flawless and consistent mortise holes.
  • A complete system: DOMINO machine, Domino cutter bit, and tenons up to 10 x 50 mm, fle-xible adjustment options and compatible system accessories for virtually unlimited jointing possibilities.